Carrizo Plain Wildflower Report April 16 2017
As of this Sunday (4/16) we are past peak and flowers are starting to fade quickly. People have been reporting the southern end of the Monument is drying and going to be done soon. The hills are fading but still have some good yellow. Still good displays along Soda...
Carrizo Plain Wildflower Report April 1 2017
Peak bloom has happened and it is spectacular. Pretty much the same as last week as far as locations but flowers have really come on now. One addition is on Simmler Road there are great spots for Tidy Tips, Tick Seed (coreopsis), and others. Please keep in mind...
Carrizo Plain Wildflower Report March 26 2017
We can now say this an excellent year for wildflowers at Carrizo Plain. Our peak bloom has started this week and flowers are looking great. We think the next 1-2 weeks or so will probably be our peak.
Carrizo Plain Wildflower Report March 12 2017
HERE’S WHAT’S BLOOMING ON THE CARRIZO PLAIN THIS WEEK Many people have asked when the wildflower season will peak. One guess is in two-four weeks, but we really can't say precisely as each season is different. "Still a little while until the peak, but getting...
Carrizo Plain Wildflower Report March 5 2017
HERE’S WHAT’S BLOOMING ON THE CARRIZO PLAIN THIS WEEK: Right now we are starting to see Goldfields, Fiddleneck, and Filaree (Erodium cicutarium) pop up, but no wildflower color yet. Below are pictures from previous years.