Many people have asked when the wildflower season will peak. One guess is in two-four weeks, but we really can’t say precisely as each season is different.
“Still a little while until the peak, but getting better. Last year it was mid March to Late March but it varies year to year. Looking better each week and continued warm weather and rain will help.” – Carrizo volunteer Ben R.
In Bloom
Fiddleneck – Various places on valley floor.
Goldfields – Soda Lake Road between Washburn Admin. Site and KCL Campground, Goodwin Education Center. Starting to see other spots on the valley floor.
Filaree – Valley floor throughout the monument. Just popping up, not showy.
Baby Blue Eyes – Soda Lake Overlook.
Hillside Daisies – Small parts on the hillsides going to Selby Campground Road.
Poor Blooming
Red Maids x various places on valley floor.
Fremont’s Phacelia x various places on valley floor.
Please note
Most of the roads are dirt and can be impassable when wet. Lake Road has long dirt sections that have been rutted out in several spots, but passable by passenger car. Please Remember to not drive off road but only pull off one car length. DO NOT DRIVE ON PANORAMA OR SIMMLER ROAD! We had several people get badly stuck in the clay parts of panorama this week and we do not pull people out.